This is the first book in the Starbound, and follows Lilac and Tarver, who find themselves in the middle a catastrophic event. The Icarus, a spaceship that travels through hyperspace is going down. The only way to survive is to escape in a pod to a planet they both know nothing about.
The two main characters, Lilac and Tarver were likable and two very different people who happen to also come from different social classes. Lilac was spunky, and maybe she came across as being a spoiled young girl at first, but that wasn’t who she really was though. She was a strong, and what you see if what you get kinda girl. I liked her, maybe not so much at the start of the book, but she does grow into a wonderful character. Now on to Tarver, he might be a war hero, a hard worker and majorly attractive and girls would swooned over, but he comes from a lower social class and Lilac doesn’t give him the time of day. At first… These two amazing characters aren’t alone though, there were others who escaped Icarus, and I saw that the next book will follow another couple of their journey, can’t wait for that.
Being told from alternating POV’s, it gives us a chance to see just how much they grow, the things they go through and how they view each other. There are misconceptions made on both parts, but being thrown together in an escape pod, they learn to trust each other. They don’t have much of a choice either, the planet is mysterious, and holds some secrets they aren’t prepared for, and this had me completely enthralled and could not turn the pages fast enough. I had such a fascination of space and the planets growing up, so everything Lilac and Tarver figured out about this planet, they more I wanted to learn too. It is great! Even with everything going on, these two have this slow building love story, and is added so much to this already incredible story. I was a little worried about the twist that took place, but the ending was nicely done and brought it all together.
These Broken Stars was a beautifully written sci-fi love story and I captivated all the way through. The next installment, This Shattered World will not be out fast enough.
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