
Astral Tide is the second book in the Otherborn series. I read the first book early last year, and thought it was a great dystopian, mixed with some science fiction. I was pretty excited to read another installment, and see where it all was going. London and her friends have escaped the New Eden, and are trying to find somewhere safe. Which is not going to be easy. It is believed that people who dream are ill, so they have people after them because they can not only dream, but make other things happen as well. So, trying to find anywhere they might remotely be safe os only for a short time until they are found and have to move yet again.
London has some issues this time around, she just as feisty but she has more vulnerable moments. She feels guilt, and loss, but somehow pushes through it. To me that made her more realistic, and I liked watching her grow in this one. Zen was fantastic. He was betrayed and it is clear that he is hurt by it, but he stays strong and tries to be that way for London, and Tora and Kim too. I kinda thought there was a some feelings between him and London, but I think I know where her heart lies, but I guess we’ll see how all that plays out as the series continues. I enjoyed the side characters, and we got to learn more about Tora and Kim. I hope we get learn even more. This is a wonderful cast of characters, and I wanted to root for them all. Then there was Avery, wow, what a witch, can’t wait to see if she gets what she deserves.
Silver did a amazing job bringing up some of the events that happened in the first book, so it didn’t take long to be able to slip right back in the world she created. It does take a little to get going, and I started to get worried that the plot was moving anywhere. It does pick up and it made me curious as to where exactly London and her friends were going to end up on their travels and how much worse it could possibly get for them, especially after the ending in Otherborn. So no middle book syndrome, which I was happy for. We get to learn so much about the Astral plane and more about the time there and how it all intertwined. I think the best part was learning about the abilities that had. There were some fairly interesting revelations for London where Rye her missing love interest, and it was a pretty good little twist. With enough action taking place it took me no time to finish this. I will warn that the ending is a cliffhanger, and it left me anxious for the next installment.
Astral Tide is a excellent sequel to Otherborn, the Astral world is so fascinating, and the character growth is made this even better than learning all that I did. Can’t wait to read the next one.
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