Killer Frost (Mythos Academy, #6) - Jennifer Estep
Killer Frost is the final installment in the Mythos Academy, one of my favorite series. I have enjoyed each one of the installments, and I can’t believe that it is all over now. But, wow was it awesome! Gwen know that she is Nike’s champion, but what all the means isn’t clear until now. Loki, the God who wants to take over everything, is growing stronger. And, when yet another of her loved ones is placed in harms way, she figures out just what she is meant to do. But the doing is what is going to the hardest part, and what it means for her and her friends.

Gwen is so strong and determined, she isn’t just the weird Gypsy girl that everyone thought she was. Espcially when she saves all their butts. Anyhoo, she has come into her own, and certainly owns who she is, something I am so glad she has decided to accept. Now, Logan is still having a hard time with the things that has happened with Gwen, but he loves her so much. He stands beside her even when she thinks he isn’t. Their relationship was sweetly genuine and I enjoyed every minute of it. All the characters all had such important parts and they are so many of them to tell you about them all, but they were all outstanding in their own ways. But a few just really stuck with me. Nickamedes, the librarian is a grouchy man, but I think it was just what he wanted everyone to believe, and I adored him. But, Gwen’s Grandma Frost was eccentric, strong and loved Gwen with everything in her.

I have to say, this was the darkest installment of the series, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. It was engrossing and I was kept on the edge of my seat, and I think I yelled at the book at few times. There was so many thing going on. People dying, reapers attacking at pretty much every turn, and just plain evil-ass people trying to get what they think they are meant to have. All of this lead up to an epic battle between Gwen and Loki, and I kept turning the pages as fast I could. It was gory, violent and a deadly battle and I began to wonder how it all was going to end and if they were going to win against Loki. I even found myself tearing up at some things that took place, but it was so worth all the holding breath and reading as fast I possibly could and ignoring all things around me. The ending was beyond what I hoping for, but jeez this group went to hell to get there, and I am so sad to see Gwen’s story end.

Killer Frost was an excellent and satisfying conclusion to this series, and if you have been a fan of the series so far, you won’t be disappointed. It is a amazing blend of urban fantasy, mythology and romance all in one. This is such a wonderful series, and one that I would definitely say it Great!

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