Salt is the first in a new series and the first book from Ellison. the idea of witches that protect human from demons is new to me, so I had to give this one a go. The story follow a young girl, who has not only suffered a tragic loss but a tragic loss, Penelope lost her magic. What is a witch to do without her powers, use someone else to help hide it of course and try and get her powers back. There are a few bumps along the way though.
Penelope was a pretty good character. She was stubborn, and flawed, certainly didn’t make great decision. I mean she’s a witch that can’t do magic, I think I would be a little on the grudging side, but she really wasn’t, and I kinda liked her sarcasm and she seemed to handle herself okay. Penelope’s love interest was one that I didn’t really like at first, couldn’t figure out what he was up to, she liked him though, so I tried to give the benefit of the doubt. I did end up liking him more as the story moved on. He does hold some secrets, that I was able to figure out but it didn’t bother me at all. There were a few secondary characters that were okay and I’m sure there will more about them as the series continues.
The plot was great. It has lies, betrayals, and secrets, all the ingredients that I like to read about. It even had a a mystery, that kept my attention and of course witches. I have to admit, I like just about anything with witches, and add demons into the mix, and I’m in. There was enough going on that I never really felt that the story was boring or anything, maybe a little confused but that cleared up the more I read. And the banter between Pen and Carter was an enjoyable bonus. Overall, this was a sound start to a new series, and I will be looking for the next book, I am curious to see where it heads.
Salt was a quick and fun read, full of magic, witches and demons, and some romance too. Fans of young adult paranormal romances will like it, and it was certainly worth reading.