Panic - J.A. Huss
Wow, where do I begin with this one! This is one the best series. It has been a roller coaster ride from the first book and this one is no different. Picking up right where we left off, Rook and Ronin are still together and going strong. She is working with Spencer, Ronin is working on the Gidget campaign. The past has caught up, and now is the time to fix it.

Rook is doing what she loves, she is working with Spencer, she has a wonderful boyfriend. It might not always be an easy relationship, but it is a realistic one and that it what I enjoyed so much about them. Ronin, well what can I possibly say that will do him justice, he is simply amazing. Spencer and Ford are just as awesome as always.

Panic reveals so many things, and I honestly didn’t want to put it down. Learning what we did in Manic about the relationship/the Team that Ronin, Spencer and Ford had going on has caught up to them. And Rooks past has caught up as well. I enjoy the alternating POV’s between Rook and Ronin. It is amazing to see the entire story from both sets of eyes. There wasn’t a lot of the erotic modeling going on, but there is plenty of the things going on, so it didn’t bother me at all. Rook has a painful past and she is still hiding it and trying to recover, and it has taken a lot of time, but pain like that doesn’t go away over night, and when it is reveal just what she went through, it wasn’t hard to feel so badly for her. Clare is back and is a pain in the butt as usual, but it doesn’t deter Ronin at all. He knows what he wants, and he won’t settle till he gets it. And there are so many things revealed, the lies, people being exposed and secrets revealed, there was no shortage of action and because Huss’s writing causes so many emotions, there is no way not get swept up in it all. I am so sad to see Rook and Ronin’s story end, but glad there was closure to the story line, and with that epilogue, oh god, that epilogue it was gut wrenching, I am anxiously waiting for Ford’s story to begin.

The Rook and Ronin series is one that I couldn’t give enough credit to, well maybe if I keep going on and on about it, but all I can tell you is, that is beyond worth picking up. The characters flawed, the romance is full of sexy steaminess and the suspense just add to it all. Pick them up…