Losing Hope (Hopeless, #2) - Colleen Hoover
This is the follow up to Hopeless, and Hopeless was one of those books that made me feel so many emotions, and one that just needed to be read. And I can tell you this one was no different. Holders’ story was remarkable.

Holder on of those characters that there was no way not to fall for. He is caring, sweet and tries everything to make things right. But to know the strength that he truly had through all of this was what made even more of a genuinely great guy. His interactions with his friend Daniel was hilarious, and the stuff they called each other had me laughing so hard sometimes. Even with Breckin, they were so funny together. Sky was just as wonderful as she was before. The romance between Holder and Sky something that I adored, and the chemistry between them is undeniable.

Going into this I was a little afraid that it might be just like rereading Hopeless, but it was anything but. Yes, there were some parts that were from Sky’s story, but being inside Holder’s head was amazing. We live with him through something tragic that has happened, and his hurt, the guilt were at times almost unbearable to read. The weight of pain he carried was terrible, but the love he has for those he loves outweighed the pain. Some of these same things I felt from before were there and even felt a stronger emotion this time around, I don’t know how to explain it. Maybe it was seeing how much losing Hope/Sky all those years ago affected him and his family. I honestly think I found this even more emotional than I did Hopeless, and I thought for sure that one has done me in. Hoover has a way with words like no other, the raw emotions drip off the pages. An there is much to Holder’s story that I want to tell you, but I also don’t wan to spoil it for you. The ending was so emotional, I was a blubbering mess for a while. So grab some tissues.

Losing Hope is a book you have to read for yourself, it has tragedy, pain, anguish, hope, and love and you lose yourself in the heartbreaking beauty of it. It is a must read, especially for fans of Hopeless.