
Tempest Rising is about a young girl that loves the ocean and to surf. She is just a typical teenager with her on again off again boyfriend Mark and normal teenage drama. When her mother left, she was 11 and her and her 2 brothers were left with only their father to raise them. He seems to have a good job so far. Tempest’s mother left her a letter explaining the upon her 17th birthday she would start changing and soon have to make the decision of her life. She feels abandoned by her mother especially now. Tempest’s mother is a mermaid so of course Tempest is half mermaid. The pull of ocean is getting stronger everyday and one night while she is alone by the water, she meets Kona. He is this amazing, mysterious , great looking guy and is a very strong surfer with skills that impress not only her but her friends as well. She has this instant drawl towards him that she doesn’t understand. (Mark who?) Tempest finds out that Kona isn’t just a normal guy with amazing skills, but he is from the ocean as well. Soon Tempest finds herself in this magical world under the surface of the ocean, where she learns that she is this powerful mermaid with a destiny that she can not ignore. She struggles with decision to either give in to the ocean or stay on land with her family. Where ultimately she has to decide to give up almost everything or gain a whole new world. Tempest is a spunky tomboy, but she has her girly side too. Her relationship with Mark become a love triangle between Tempest, Mark and Kona. Mark is an ordinary young guy, that has the same interests as Tempest and he does seem to care about her. But Kona has a completely different affect on Tempest. He makes her see there is more to her than she ever imagined. Tempest must make a up her own mind about where her life will end up. At the end there were a few things that I didn’t see coming. But over all it had agreat ending. Tempest Rising is a magical, roller coaster ride of emotions. The characters were easy to love, and your heart just breaks for Tempest and turmoil that has become her life. The beautiful under water world that was described in this was like something out of a dream. This was my first mermaid book, and I don’t think I could have picked a better one. I look forward to reading Tempest Unleashed.