The Last Echo - Kimberly Derting
Violet has managed to keep her ability to sense dead bodies from everyone, just her family, her boyfriend know. But that secret has caught the eye of Sarah Priest who is a forensic psychologist and runs a Special Investigative Team. Violet agrees to work for Sarah and learns that she is not alone with dealing with her morbid ability anymore. Everyone on the team has their own special ability. Violets job is to find the bodies and together they work to solve murder cases. They find themselves involved in a case where a college girls body is found, but this serial killer (the girlfriend collector) is in search of a new “relationship”. And Violet most certainly catches his eye. In this installment of The Body Finder series, we learn more about the members of the Special Investigative Team. Violet is spending a lot of time with them and slowly she get more involved with members of her team. She learns a lot about Sara, Rafe, Gemma and Krystal. She finally feels like she belongs somewhere and isn’t a freak. Violet is still a little reckless and puts herself in some dangerous situations. But her relationship with Jay seems to still be very strong and has grown into something you really just want to root for. The romance between them was a little more intense than before too. They have been through a lot because of her ability, and Jay is a good guy and he loves her no matter what.We also learn more about Sarah and Rafe, and that Rafe has had a pretty rough life growing up. He is dark and mysterious and certainly has his secrets. He keeps to himself a lot, but does seem to open up to Violet some. The more we learn about him, the more I like him. There is a chemistry between him and Violet that everybody sees, especially Jay. I think that Jay will always be the guy for her, but I guess we’ll see.It is written in 2 points of view. One of which is the serial killers. It gives this vivid, creepy and intense picture of how his world became so distorted, and just how delusional he is that he is truly believes he is doing this for love. The story line in this is so engrossing and heart-stopping you don’t want to put it down. The last quarter of this book, I think I was holding my breath. It is very haunting and sends chill up your spine. And the surprise ending will leave you wanting more for sure. This is a fantastic series, but I think this book exceeded my expectations completely. I am so glad there will be another book in this series too. I would really like to see what happens. I would recommend giving this series a try, it certainly won’t disappoint.