
I really liked this book. Endlessly brought back into Evie's world of paranormals. She has tried to leave that world behind before and not been successful to say the least. I think Evie has to be one of my favorite heroines. She is sarcastic, and makes me laugh at her comments. She is definitely entertaining. Sometimes she takes thing so seriously and takes things a little too far. Her stubbornness makes her make decisions that aren't always smart. But Evie is amazingly strong when it comes to the people she loves. When her family is threatened, she snaps into gear and does what has to be done. And the stakes are so much higher this time, she has to take the time to think out her actions, because they all have consequences. Her and Lend are still together, and how can you not like him. He supports her in everything she does. He is just an all around great guy. Not to mention the nice, sizzling chemistry between them. I have really enjoyed him in all the books. Reth and Jack have to work together to help Evie. Both of them together is really hilarious at times. We learn a lot about Reth that we weren't aware of before. His motives all along are revealed, and it gave us a better idea of why he has always done what he has. By the end of this, no matter how much at time I didn't like him in the first 2 books, I really learned to like him. By the end of this book, I really just wanted him to be happy, no matter where that was. And the little "love triangle" between Evie, Lend and Reth has come to and end. It couldn't happened any better. I think it was a perfect ending for all three of them.Endlessly brings back everyone from the previous books too. It is fast paced, and action packed with all different paranormals and the romance between Evie and Lend is captivating. There is so much going on from all the characters you want to keep reading so you don't miss anything. We have Raquel, Jack and Vivian back which was great to see. And we get to see everyone's final chapters. I didn't really care for Vivian before, but she surprised me completely. Evie's journey to find herself and where she belongs has come to an end. This was a really incredible trilogy, to see all the other characters grow and find themselves as well was truly amazing. While I'm sad to see the story end and say goodbye to all the characters, the ending of this couldn't have been any better. Kiersten White led us through a magical, and fascinating world. Her writing is simply brilliant, and I look forward to reading more of her books. This is a trilogy that you definitely need to pick up and read. You will not be disappointed for sure.