
Echo is a 17 year old girl, she’s beautiful, outgoing, very smart and has the boyfriend that all the girls want. But a tragedy has completely changed her. She now hides the scars by wearing long sleeves, and keeps to herself. She is trying desperately to remember the night that changed her life forever. We see her inside and out on her journey to the truth. Through all the pain, sorrow, the ups and downs, we are taken right there with her. She just feels so broken, but even through all of this she has this amazing spirit and fights so hard move forward. She is a character that you just want to fix everything for her. She is an amazing, and admirable young girl and I just loved her.Noah has it his own set of problems. His is a smart guy and incredibly hot guy, but he has had much tragedy in his life, that he acts out, doesn’t care about school or anything else just his brothers. He is still dealing with the loss of his parents and being separated from his brothers. He loves his brothers so much, he is willing to whatever it takes to make sure they are safe and loved. He feels helpless and seeing him go through all the emotions with his loss, and guilt was heart wrenching. I think the thing I liked the most, was he never pretended to be anything but what he was. Noah is strong, caring, and selfless and I absolutely loved his character.We also have a few secondary characters Isiah and Beth who are Noah’s friends/ foster siblings and Lila, who is Echo’s friend. They stand behind Noah and Echo and are just what true friends should be. All three are great to read about too. There will be a book with Beth’s story coming out soon too, so that will really great to read too.Both Echo and Noah are seeing the same therapist Mrs. Collins. She places Echo and Noah together so that Echo can tutor him. They don’t like each other and they clash to say the least. But they find a common goal and soon realize they have a lot more in common than they ever thought. Working with Mrs. Collins they both come to major realizations, some devastating and others are just heartbreaking. How Echo received her injuries is revealed, and this was one of the most heartbreaking details of this story to read.The relationship between Echo and Noah was simply amazing. It was pure and raw with emotion with vulnerability, sizzling chemistry, and growing affection for one another. While searching for both of their truths, they found something in each other that they both needed and wanted more than anything. Noah truly loves her and didn’t shy away from touching her because of her scars. Any guy that can love you unconditionally like that, gets my vote. This is written in both Echo and Noah’s point of views. I believe that just made this so much more emotional, to be able each of their sides of everything happening. You laugh at the snarkiness of the characters sometimes and then you cry at the most heartbreaking things these two young people go through.The characters feel so real that can connect with them so easily. It takes us through a journey of two young people having to learn to deal with both the consequences of selfish parents and the loss of parents. A journey to learn to accept and forgive and learn to trust again. Pushing The Limits is a beautifully written book and is such an emotionally charged that it deserves to be read. It is just a truly Amazing book.