
Gemma is a young, very likable girl. She has a sister and father who care about her. Gemma loves the water. She is on the swim team and loves to train everyday, but not just in a pool, her favorite place is the ocean. Gemma share a very close relationship with her sister. I absolutely loved this aspect of the book. Harper is trying to help raise Gemma during the absence of her mother. Sometimes she can be a little overbearing, but she truly does love Gemma and wants what is best for her. They are different in a few ways too. Harper is very overprotective and wants everything to be set, where as Gemma is just this carefree spirit. She finds they good in everyone. We don’t see much of their father, he works alot which is why Harper feels responsible for Gemma. I feel that Gemma and Harpers characters are strong smart, and very likable.The boys in both of these girls lives are really great. First we have Daniel who works and lives down at the docks where their father works. He is the hot, bad boy, but is really a really nice guy too. Alex is the neighbor and is best friends with Harper. I think the best part of romance in this book, is the fact that Harper ends up liking Daniel the bad boy, and Gemma with Alex. I did really enjoy the relationships that both Gemma and Harper have. I thought Gemma and Alex were sweet and Harper and Daniel were great too. You couldn’t ask for better guys.Where they live, there has been strange disappearances, and no one can explain them. And then there’s the 3 girls that are new to town, and they don’t really fit in for some reason. We have Penn, Lexi and Thea. When Gemma goes and hangs out with them, everything in her life is turned upside down. But she so much faster at swimming that ever before, and so much stronger. When Gemma learns the truth about what has happened to her and what she has become, she is devastated. She has to choose to stay and deal with the consequences or leave her family and her boyfriend. A decision that could mean life or death. I don’t wish that on anyone. Gemma is a smart girl and will make the right decision. I am intrigued with the story.This is a unique take on a mermaid type story. It was very descriptive, never leaving us confused on just how the girls came to be. This was set up very well for the story to continue, and it is quite an intriguing plot too. I really can’t wait to see how the story continues on Lullaby. Overall I was very pleased with this. It was also my first book from Amanda Hocking, and it did not disappoint. I would definitely recommend picking this one up and reading it for sure.