I Killed Scheherazade: Confessions of an Angry Arab Woman - Joumana Haddad
What an emotional roller coaster.This starts out with a young girl named Rose, she is a 14 year old just starting high school. She has all the normal problems teenagers face, trying to fit in, sports, mean-girls and of course boys. But Rose isn’t just going through all the normal emotions, she has recently loss her Father, her brother has left for college and is angry at just about everything. Who could really blame her. Everything around her is changing, her life, school and her friends. She is outspoken, and says things I think we all probably think. Her smart alec comments and humor she uses to cover up all the emotions she has. She definitely had a lot of them too. At times she seems to be a little older in the way she acts, but other times we see the naiveness of her as well. I didn’t really enjoy high school, so I think I could just easily relate to Rose. I admired her spunk, and the way she cared for her friends.Jamie, is one that I just couldn’t figure out. Do I like him, do I not like him? He seems like a good guy whose had a rough life and at times I think he might be be good for her. He is very protective of Rose and does seem to care for her. And Rose had a really big crush on him, but he is a few years older than her. The romance between them was growing, and I’m not sure where it will lead but I would like to know. Overall toward the end, I really did find myself liking him. I look forward to seeing how the story progresses between them. I know the age difference between them is an issue too, so we’ll how that plays out.This is a raw emotional filled story of the things teenagers go through in high school, with the bullying, pressures of sexual relationships, and family life and self discovery. It was wonderfully written so that feel all. I really enjoyed this, and can not wait for Confessions of an Almost Girlfriend. I would recommend read this for sure.