Sue Grafton: Three Complete Novels; A, B & C: A is for Alibi; B is for Burglar; C is for Corpse - Sue Grafton
3.5 stars... Review will be on Monday November 5th..Abby has been found dead in the Mackenzie's pool. There is alcohol and drugs in her system and now the question is who killed her and why?We have 4 suspects. Charles, who is from Australia and is quite the ladies man. He has his eyes set on Abby, who happens to be Ace's girlfriend. Ace is the spoiled son of a politician, who wants nothing but tho play football. And he will do what ever it takes to be the best no matter the cost. His attention to his girlfriend Abby is slipping. Palmer has found out who her father is and tries to reach out to a friend, but it doesn't go the way she has had it planned. Rowan is Abby's best friend. She is a manipulative and has an agenda all her own. The world building was suspenseful and at times intense. The characters have major flaws and have a lot to loose, making it hard to figure out who to trust and not to. I wasn't sure till the very end. I though I had it figured out, but I was way off. The only issue I had with this is that the repetitiveness of the story for each new novella. But with that aside, I really enjoyed reading each of them. Learning each of the characters back stories, was fascinating and understand why they acted the way they did. Alibi is a fast paced, and engrossing mystery that keeps you trying to figure it all out. Once you get started reading, you just don't want to stop till you do. I would say to give this a try, and see if can figure it out before the end. Overall, this was an exciting read.