
Roswell Hart can not remember anything from the night that Tricia Farni died, the bigger problem is that she needs to, because she was one of the last people to see her alive. Our story is surrounding Roz, who suffers from a muscular degenerative disease affecting her eyes. So she is used to living in a world that always appears hazy. After learning about her condition, she lost her place on the softball team and her best friend. Even though her school year has been fairly crappy, she still keeps her stubborn, spunky personality. She learns what true friends are, and not everyone is worth trustworthy. Roz is a pretty complex person, she doesn't let people in, and at times I wasn't really sure if I liked or not. I did find myself connecting with her, and I found Roz to be a realistic character, and admired her determination to find out what happen to her classmate even through all the turmoil to do so. The plot development moved quickly, and pulls you into a dark world with murder, drugs, betrayals, and prejudices. The characters aren't perfect, but each have have a story to tell all on their own. Sometimes I just want to smack some sense into some of them, but other times I thought, "wow, where did that come from?" The love interests were Jonathon and Greg. Two guys with very different personalities. Jonathon's number one person is himself, and Greg was so sweet to Roz, and seem to really care about her. Roz has to figure out who really is the good guy all on her own. I thought I had everything all figured out of the murderer was, but then a new twist came into play, and I was completely wrong. I think this is the aspect I enjoyed the most. At one point I even suspected Roz for being behind Tricia's death. Blind Spot take us through a gritty mystery, that is keeps you on your toes. This was a great story to follow and watch unfold and I would definitely say give this one a try if you love murder mysteries with a dash romance.