
Jade and her family have moved to a new town. Now she has a new school and new friends. Things have started to happen in their home and people are talking and it doesn’t take long her Jade to figure out just why they got their house for so cheap. It is comes with it own not so friendly ghost of the girl (Kayla) who lived there before. Who fits the bill for a “mean girl” to a T.Jade is a great young girl. I found her to be easily likable and relatable. One of things that I think I really enjoyed about her is that she didn’t care what kinds of house people lived in or how much money their parents made, she liked them just for them. And how much she loved her family came shining through when she set out stop the ghost from harming her little brother, Colby. He was sooo adorable. The help that Jade received came from an unlikely source. Donovan, who happened to be Kayla’s boyfriend before she died. But I will say that it was easy to understand why Jade was drawn to him. He is a great guy, he’s into art and seemed really nice and not to mention he’s certainly not bad looking.There is a little bit of romance between Jade and Donovan, which was sweet. But I am glad it wasn’t a major part, I was just trying to find out what really happened to Kayla.The mystery behind Kayla’s death was interesting and learning more about Kayla’s from her cryptic diary, you can figure on a few,, no,,, a lot of people who might have had a motive to harm her. She wasn’t a nice girl at all. Like I said before, she was fell right into the “mean girl” syndrome.The story flow quickly and even though I had an idea of what happened and who it was, I wasn’t sure until right at the end. With realistic characters and creepy hauntings, possessions that takes place and one massively pissed off ghost who wants to know what happened to her, this is definitely a fantastic book.. I would highly recommend reading this one.